Developing a Sustainable Economy
Here are a few ideas about a holistic approach to developing a sustainable global economy.
The first step to developing a sustainable global economy is to provide universal education that includes both modern financial and economics education, as well as ecological consciousness education. People just need a basic education about the consequences of their actions, and encouragement to live in harmony with the earth's biosphere.
We can build houses that generate more energy than they use. Some of the excess energy can be used to recharge our electric drive, zero emission automobiles. Any excess energy can be sold to the utility companies to be used for industrial activity.
Tidal generators can generate energy by harnessing the oceanic tides. Wind turbines, geothermal and hydro-electric are other sustainable methods of generating energy for human consumption. Conservation is another important component of a comprehensive sustainable energy industry.
We'll still use oil, but at a tiny percentage of the rate we use it now. We'll use oil in our chemical industry, not our energy industry. We'll need to recycle the island of plastic the size of Texas, floating around the Pacific Ocean.
We encourage family farming, not industrial scale monoculture. We need to grow a rich diversity of crops to ensure a resilient and sustainable agriculture, not the single genetically modified monoculture crops. We can not afford to allow a few rich and powerful people subject us to this insane policy, that has already resulted in many famines during human history.
Continue to clean and beautify our cities and roads and bridges and other habitat for humanity. Architecture is art. Parks and recreational activities are being expanded. Greenways and urban forests are being developed in our cities. Natural parks are being improved, protected and increasingly well managed.
The whole world economy is booming. We are transforming our economy to be sustainable and in harmony with the natural environment. Human nature is the impulse driving this episode of rapid transformation in the evolution of earth's biosphere. We are transforming the earth, from a jungle into a garden. It is our opportunity and responsibility to insure that this intelligent influence human civilization is having on earth's biosphere is healthy and productive, not selfish and destructive.
Each of us is responsible for this, individually and collectively. How we act in our personal lives has a tremendous influence on the larger process. Tiny little acts of sustainability, can have a cascading effect that radiates throughout human civilization. For example, not littering, not only does not contribute to the mountains of litter, it also sets a good and healthy example, teaching other people to not litter. Its the same with any human activity.
If we all consciously and intelligently act to live in harmony with the natural environment, the earth will slowly heal itself, just like our bodies naturally heal themselves when we supply them with the proper resources and refrain from harmful activity. I realize a lot of people already do this. A lot of people don't do it. Right now is a really good time for us to execute a major global environmental ethics initiative.
The United Nations Agenda 21 and the Millennium Development Goals are the present collective plan of action we are all working on. Studying these plans and adapting our personal business plans to be in harmony with this global agenda is another way we can contribute to the development of a sustainable global economy.
The global consultation and the global agenda are essential attributes of a sustainable global economy. In the first place, it helps to have the national economies working in harmony with each other, instead of working at odds with each other. "We need to practice harmony in our international relations." (Chinese President, Hu Jintao )
International standards for weights and measures, contract enforcement, intellectual property rights, health, safety and environmental protection and stuff like that must be set at the global scale in order for the global economy to function smoothly and effectively.
The way we treat each other is another incredibly important aspect of creating a safe, clean and decent society. Be kind, friendly and polite. Be fair and trustworthy in all of our associations, including our business associations, personally and globally.
Make the world a better place by improving ourselves and helping others.
Autor: Bob Mccoy Bob Mccoy
Level: Platinum
I'm alive on earth. I love to read, I have read thousands of mostly non-fiction books about natural history, human nature, science, religion and business. ... ...
I am Bob Mccoy
earthling09 is a website about healing human nature and improving human civilization. is a blog with a holistic approach to developing a universal and divine civilization.
Ya Baha'u'l Abha
Added: May 17, 2009
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