
A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are generally known as recombinant DNA technology. With recombinant DNA technology, DNA molecules from different sources are combined in vitro into one molecule to create a new gene. This DNA is then transferred into an organism and causes the expression of modified or novel traits.

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods produced from GMO that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. The most common modified foods are derived from plants: soybean, corn, canola cotton seed oil and wheat.


Organic Baby Clothes - Free of Toxins and Environmentally Responsible  

As you prepare for your new arrival, you have so many decisions to make. One thing you should never overlook is the importance of choosing organic baby clothes rather than a conventionally manufactured layette. Everyone talks about the importance of a high quality organic crib mattress. What about organic clothing for infants, does it really make that much difference?

The answer to this question is yes, absolutely. To understand why this is true, you should think about several aspects of organic clothing as compared to traditionally manufactured items. In each one of the following areas, organic products are far superior to conventionally produced merchandise.

Agricultural Practices

During the growing process, conventional textile producers often use seeds which are genetically modified and treated with chemical pesticides and fungicides. Synthetic fertilizers are used to compensate for loss of soil nutrients due to over-farming and heavy irrigation. On the other hand, organic fabrics are made from plants which are grown from all-natural seeds. Soil management includes crop rotation, use of beneficial insects rather than chemical herbicides to control weeds, and natural fertilizers.

Environmental Impact

During the manufacture of textiles using conventional practices, natural fibers are treated with chemical stabilizers, hot water, chlorine bleach, and toxic pigments containing high levels of heavy metals. These substances and their by-products are often released into waterways, which presents dangers to the local ecology. Organic textile manufacture uses only warm water, natural cleansers such as soda ash to clean and soften material, non-toxic dyes, and natural peroxide (as a whitener). All of these elements reduce the environmental impact of clothing production.

Baby's Health

Just to name a few of the harmful substances present in conventionally made clothing, baby clothes may contain heavy metals, synthetic materials which promote allergic reactions, and even formaldehyde - the same chemical which recently caused a big problem in the FEMA trailers used to house victims of Hurricane Katrina. Formaldehyde is also a known respiratory irritant, which is linked to childhood leukemia.

Any one of these harmful toxins can cause a wide range of health problems for your baby. Developmental damage, respiratory problems, leukemia, allergies, eye irritation, and nervous system depression have all been linked to these industrial chemicals. Organic clothing is made from all-natural materials using no harsh chemical additives, which is particularly important for a baby's sensitive skin. Infants with skin problems such as eczema can especially benefit from all-natural clothing.

Look and Feel of Baby Clothing

Regular baby clothing is often produced in huge plants, with little attention to quality and detail. As fast as your little one is growing, you want clothing that will survive more than one or two cycles through the washing machine. Organic, natural clothing is made from high-quality materials like cotton, silk, and hemp. Great care is taken in their manufacture, and it shows in the quality of the products. Soft, all-natural materials swaddle your baby in cozy comfort.


There are so many things to buy when you are preparing for your new arrival. Getting ready for a baby costs a lot of money, and it is natural to look for the most affordable items for your nursery. Many expectant parents hesitate at paying higher prices for organic baby clothes; the truth is, while the initial investment is a bit higher for organic clothing, it is well worth it in the long run when you consider the impact on the environment and your baby's health.

Your new baby deserves the best of everything. Give your baby the gift of good health and safety with a certified organic crib mattress to sleep on, and adorable organic baby clothes to sleep in.

Autor: Grace Dejnicki

I am a retired grandmother who enjoys babysitting all six of my priceless grandchildren. In my spare time I stay active, travel, and write informative articles about organic baby clothes, and other topics that matter to me.

Added: June 22, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

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