
A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are generally known as recombinant DNA technology. With recombinant DNA technology, DNA molecules from different sources are combined in vitro into one molecule to create a new gene. This DNA is then transferred into an organism and causes the expression of modified or novel traits.

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods produced from GMO that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. The most common modified foods are derived from plants: soybean, corn, canola cotton seed oil and wheat.


What is Genetically Modified Food?  

An estimated 60 to 70 percent of all food on supermarket shelves today genetically modified ingredients. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, by the time you read this, 85 percent of soybeans planted in the United States and up to 45 percent of the corn is genetically. It has been estimated that 70-75 percent of processed foods on supermarket shelves, including soda, soups, biscuits, spices, baby food, pancakes, chocolate bars and condiments GM ingredients. That means if you are eating foods that contain vegetable oil, soy products like soy burgers, or any foods that are made with cornstarch, corn syrup, corn oil, or soy derivatives, there is a good chance that you are putting food that's been genetically change in your body.

The fear is that there is no way to know for sure

The government has no system of rules would mean that producers of genetically modified food to tell consumers that a food containing genetically modified or that they were genetically modified ingredients. What's more, under current law biotech companies do not have the FDA or a human testing before the introduction of a new genetically modified foods. As a result, GM foods are flooding the market and millions of unsuspecting consumers buy and consume unlabeled genetically modified foods. Do not be one of them! See below for tips on how to avoid eating genetically modified food.

How are genetically modified foods? Genes can be blueprints for each organism. Because of the great advances in technology, the scientists are now able to genetic material from organisms such as plants, animals or microbes, and insert it into the permanent genetic code of another.

For example, a gene in the flounder, which it to survive in cold water was transplanted into tomatoes so that they are resistant to frost. Genes from soil bacteria in foods such as corn and canola, so that they encounter insects. Other examples of our tampering with Mother Nature are: potatoes, bacteria genes, "super" pigs with human genes, growth, growth, with cattle genes, and thousands of other plants, animals and insects.

These genetically modified creations will then be patented and in the market, without any idea about what the long-term impact on the environment, ourselves and our children. Several studies in the last ten years shows that genetically modified foods can cause serious health risks for humans, pets, animal and plant life and the environment. The impact on human can be higher risks of toxicity, resistance to antibiotics, the suppression of the immune system, and even cancer. The impact on the environment as a result of the use of GMOs in agriculture could lead to contamination of non-genetically modified life forms and biological pollution due to the completely out of the delicate balance of nature.

The essence is: We need dozens of years before we begin with DNA manipulation, because we do not know what will happen. How much do we know about genetics, anyway? DNA has just been discovered fifty years ago. We must seriously think about what the consequences of tampering with nature could cost us. We could destroy the elements in our ecosystem permanently by the introduction of genetically modified food and organisms tested. I suggest that you contact me in the fight against genetically modified foods. The most powerful way to do that is not genetically modified products. Here are some tips for avoiding these products.

How to avoid eating GM food:

organic food.

The Organic Food Production Act provides that foods labeled organic can not genetically modified organisms.

buy local. Shop at farmers' markets where you can directly from local producers. Ask them how their plants.

Stop eating processed foods. Many processed foods contain derivatives of corn, soybeans and canola, which is more than likely from genetically modified plants. Buy whole foods like fruits, vegetables, sprouts and grasses instead.

read food labels.

If ingredients from corn, soy or canola, put the food back on the shelf. Look for the labels on food, saying: "This product contains no genetically modified organisms."

require that adequate labeling for GM food is necessary, so that people know what they are about to enter her body.

following foods listed are being tested by the biotech industry in field trials in an attempt to gene-modified varieties.

fruits: apples, cherries, cranberries, grapefruit, kiwi, melons, papayas, pears, Persimmons, pineapples, plums and strawberries.

vegetables: peppers, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, sweet corn, cucumbers, lettuce, mustard, olives, onions, peas, potatoes, radishes, squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watercress

Dry Foods: of barley, beans, soya, coffee, lentils, oats, popcorn, rice, sugar and wheat.

nuts and seeds: flax, peanuts, sunflowers, walnuts.

Remember: Say NO to GMO!


Learn how to get the best online super food secrets strategies that will be good and helpful one in dealing with your diet by visiting http://www.thebestdayever.com. Where you can find the top 3 proven super food success strategies.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Wolfe


Ten Steps to a Healthier Diet  

eating! Who does not like to eat? Personally, I like some things to eat more than others ... say, as ice. :) Seriously though, we need food to fuel our bodies, such as gas and oil to fuel cars. I am afraid that not many people know much about the foods they consume, and whether or not is really healthy for them.

The days, most people took their food directly from the food producers. Now I ask you, is that a good practice? Do you really want to listen to the people who have a lot of money on what you are in your mouth? I think it is a dangerous thing to do. What about the thousands of ingredients and chemicals that are not even be mentioned on the labels are used because they are in the process? Who informed you about this? Are they really good for you?

Pre-mixed, pre-made, water, open the can snip the bag and microwave. This is the basis of what serves as food for many of us. We are taught by advertising to believe that cooking takes too long, that we are all too busy for her. The sooner, the better. It is a complete lack of nutrition in these pre-mixed/pre-made lifestyle. They are not always fresh vegetables and all its fabulous vitamins, minerals and enzymes, you can powdered remnants of them. You're not eating a varied diet, an important means to ensure the vitamins and minerals needed for optimum health.

1) ELIMINATE artificial sweeteners

If you look for a healthy way to eat, removing all artificial sweeteners is a great place to start. There are not enough safety information on some sweeteners and too much fear and clear information about others.




2) ELIMINATE partially hydrogenated oils

a procedure to prolong shelf life can change your life! Trans-fatty acids, which hydogenation been associated with cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Do not risk!


http://www.recoverymedicine.com/hydrogenated_oils.htm http://www.bantransfats.com/


Linked to obesity and now so widespread in almost every category of foods, tomato sauces, beverages, baked goods, natural foods. They are also genetically modified. It's cheap, easy to produce and it makes us fat and unhealthy.


http://www.antiaginglifeextension.com http://www.leaflady.org/fructose.htm

http : //www.feingold.org /PF /cornsyrup.html


And your hands on OP-ED piece called "A to the COB Coronary" by Greg Critser, author of Fat Land.

4) LIMIT packaged foods and foods in their natural state

Ultimately, food packages has more chance with additives and chemicals. Unnecessary burden ingredients you can use your body and your health decline. You do not need the chemicals, extra salt, sugar and saturated fat, which in packaged foods.

Today, labeling is very complex. There are many ingredients that are used in processing and manufacturing, which are not required on the label. You really do not know what you are in some packages. To save the bags, boxes, cans and make the food right from the start, whenever possible.

eating foods in their natural state is best. Fresh broccoli (raw and cooked) you get the most benefit from nutritional deficiencies, but if you are not fresh, frozen, your best bet. Although diligent about reading labels, because some brands again unnecessary chemicals.


chemicals in our food are not doing us much good. Dyes from coal tar (a carcinogen). MSG sensitivities are known. Our bodies are not to process a variety of chemicals. We need to fuel our bodies with the right diet and foods are healthy and well.

http://www.msgtruth.org/http://www.truthinlabeling.org/nomsg.html http://www.nomsg.com/

http://www.msgmyth.com/http://www.cspinet.org /reports /chemcuisine.htm

6) ELIMINATE REFINED WHITE processed foods (white flour, white rice, white bread, white pasta) and whole grains

These refined foods are free of food. Empty calories. White has only a small percentage of the diet of whole grain flour.

http://www.newstarget.com/000441.html http://waltonfeed.com/grain/flour.html

Whole grains, on the other hand, the oils, the bran, and all the vitamins, minerals, protein , fiber and natural. Whole grains are a fantastic source of fiber, which has been shown to reduce colon cancer. Some sources are rich, brown rice, whole wheat, bulghur, millet, buckwheat, rye, barley, Dinkel, oats, quinoa.

7) Eat at least ONE FRUIT SALAD and EVERYDAY

We should eat at least 5 servings of fruit daily. The vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients protect us against diseases.

I've found that just try to eat a salad every day, that is enough to give me the food is good and motivated to continue. I sometimes will be more, but if I use this rule, a salad, it seems, to help us eat healthy throughout the day.


I read once that the average American eats a pound of pesticides per year. Yuck! Can you imagine the toll on the body (in combination with other toxins from the environment)? The vitamin and mineral content of organic food had to be higher than their conventional counterparts.

http://www.ewg.org/reports/ops/risk.html http://www.elsonhaas.com/articles/article_02.html




Essential fatty acids are "essential" for optimum health. If you are not an EFA supplement, you must sprinkle of freshly ground flaxseed on salads, oatmeal, in smoothies, etc. One tablespoon of ground Flaxseed per day can and will improve your health. A handful of walnuts is a great source. Some take fish oil, but we believe that the risks are too high.

fatty acids and fish oil http://www.pcrm.org/health/prevmed/ess_fat_acids.html


10) EAT 90% for food and 10% for FUN

I read somewhere recently, and I thought it really make at home. If you have a healthy foundation, you can stray eat and have fun, that these foods are not so healthy.

Some other links to get on your journey to health;

http://www.drfuhrman.com/library/article13.aspx http://www.holisticmed.com/food.html

http://www. healthyeatingadvisor.com /healthy-food.html


Written by Lauren McGinley, copyright 2005-6, AP mom to 2 spirited boys. Learn more at; http://www.healthyparenting.net and visit her other online sites; http://www.holisticwahmdirectory.com A hand edited, consumer reviewed directory for the holistic WAHM community. http://www.wahmhost.net Hosting/Site Design with the MOM Advantage!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lauren_McGinley


Common Misconceptions About Hydroponic Gardening  

Let's separate the fact from fiction about hydroponic gardening and we take a look at hydroponics resources for gardening and food production. Hydroponics is a Latin term that means "water working." And hydroponic culture is growing plants without soil. All the plants need nutrients from the soil through the water. Hydroponic gardeners add nutrients to the plants mixtures of water, all they need to grow and prosper.

The first mistake is hydroponics is a new trend. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hydroponic gardens have been around for centuries. The ancient Egyptians used Hydroponic systems to grow their food.

In the 1970s, agriculturalists began developing plans for hydroponic use hydroponics as an alternative way to our dinner. This is the reason why many people think hydroponic gardens and hydroponic farms are new inventions.

great strides have been in the area since the 1970s, when farmers began seriously as an alternative method of food production, which perhaps is the reason so many people think it is a new invention.

The second mistake hydroponic food is genetically modified. This is totally wrong. Hydroponic grown food is 100% natural. The only thing missing is the earth. Natural plant nutrients that in the traditional growing from the ground, through the water they are grown in. There is absolutely no genetic modification done to food, in a hydroponic medium.

The third mistake is hydroponics is bad for the environment - again totally wrong. Growing food with hydroponic drip system uses about one tenth the water of traditional farming methods. This is because hydroponic gardens and home hydroponic farms water only the desired plants - not the weed. And there is considerably less water lost to evaporation.

In addition, there is no running water run out to contaminate the environment and ground water supplies. Plus, the use of CFLs has greatly reduced the amount of power used to light for cultivation. All in all, hydroponic culture is good for the environment.

The fourth misconception is Hydroponic systems are expensive - again totally wrong. It is true that there is an initial cost of hydroponics, growing medium and nutrient mixes. However, new technology has developed reusable media, which significantly reduce the costs. This means small and home-hydroponic gardens are not more expensive than traditional gardens and crops.

The Hydroponic gardening technique is used around the world. And in some environments, it is widespread. For example, it is a fact that in British Columbia, almost 90% of plants in greenhouses using hydroponic systems.

Is hydroponic farming and organic agriculture is the same, not necessarily. In your own home environment, you can choose to grow hydroponic organic food. However, larger hydroponic farming operations May to choose the use of pesticides on their crops. So do not assume hydroponic crops are grown organically.

However, the upside is that there is no rain water run-off of these pesticides to pollution of the environment as in traditional agriculture.

Hydroponic growing systems are further disseminated in the future, because of its food production potential and environmentally friendly techniques. With more understanding of the field, hydroponic producers will find it easier to find markets for their crops.

And at home, if you live in an apartment, housing, town home or single family residence, hydroponic culture systems can easily be set up inside or outside. Imagine, with hydroponic tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries and much more - you can find at your fingertips.


Here, you'll find detailed information on the world of hydroponics, from hydroponic gardening and hydroponic systems to hydroponic kits, hydroponic mediums and all the hydroponic foods you can enjoy year around. For more in depth information subscribe to our newsletter at http://homeandgarden.ws

Thank you - David Glassey

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Glassey


Diet and Asthma - What Tutwiler Can Teach Us  


community in the United States has more people with more health problems than Tutwiler, Mississippi. A community of about 2000 people located at the intersection of state highways 49 west and 49 east, Tutwiler sits, surrounded by thousands of hectares apartment of genetically modified corn and soybeans, rice and cotton. The treeless landscape of cultures is broken only by walls of razor wire around Tutwiler Women's Prison, home of Mississippi death row. The weather is reliably hot and humid much of the year, and if environmental contamination does not get out of the ground or water, it will fall on you from heaven. Tutwiler deserves its reputation as a cradle of the blues.

That is what the family dealt with by Tutwiler only physician, Dr. Ann Brooks, who is also a Catholic nun in the Sisters of the Holy Names (SJNM). "There are a lot of factors here," said Dr. Brooks. "The factor of overhead pesticide spraying. The budget-smoking. The budget smoke from wood stoves. Cockroaches. Dust mites. Precipitous births of underweight babies with underdeveloped lungs. Lint of the cotton gin."

In our conversation in Tutwiler in April 2004, Dr. Brooks recalled the treatment of a family whose house was often treated amid farm fields. The whole family had asthma. Asthma episodes are often triggered by the sudden fear or arousal, and in one case when a company plane accidentally dumped a load of rice seed directly onto the metal roof of the family's house, "the whole family suffered asthma attacks," she said.

Another factor for the high asthma in Tutwiler is the lack of food choices. There is no grocery store in Tutwiler, although a can buy Fried Chicken at the Shell gas station near the intersection of 49E and 49W, and chips at the Arco station in the northern outskirts of the city (at the time I visited the station, which only the stove was in the wrong order). It is a convenience store five miles (8 km) away, and a market about 20 miles (32 km) away in Clarksdale.

It is interesting that the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in Clarksdale, run by Tutwiler resident Loretta Hill, serves a buffet with exceptionally fresh and delicious fried vegetables as well as his fare, but many residents of Tutwiler never travel that far away from home , because they do not own cars. The great advantage of Tutwiler for the rest of the world is that the conditions are so bad that it is easy to see the greatest results from the smallest change of diet.

One of the questions in nutrition research in Tutwiler is whether the restriction of the consumption of salty foods (in this case only the reduction of the amount of salt used to cook Fried Chicken) reduced the incidence of asthma. For many years, scientists speculated that a high salt diet may actually protect against asthma. There was ample evidence that a high level of sodium in the bloodstream get catecholamines, which means that the stress hormones. These hormones aggravate heart problems, but help open the bronchial passages.

researchers also found that in a test tube, a low-sodium, low-pH environment greatly increased the activation of eosinophils in lung tissue. Eosinophils are the white blood cells that trigger asthmatic attacks.

If the concentration of sodium in the test tube medium was decreased only 25 percent, from 160 mmol to 120 mmol, eosinophils activity increased 1000 percent. If at the same time pH was lowered from 7.6 to 7.0, eosinophils activity increased 2000 percent. These results seemed to indicate that a high salt diet, combined with an alkaline diet (a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in sugar and fat), could significantly reduce the activation of white blood cells, leading to asthma.

These results are an example of how laboratory results are not always on the human body. While the human body can be used with sodium levels as low as 120 mmol and as high as 160 mmol, two extremes are associated with serious, life-threatening illness. It is usually not possible to the sodium levels high enough to have an effect on asthma.

In addition, if the blood concentration of sodium in a real, live people could reach the level of the researchers believed would stop immune responses, the excess sodium would cause the pH in the cell to go, no. Excess sodium disables the proton pump normalized, that the acid-base level within the cell.

What you can do about asthma? For asthma and other forms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a good recommendation is a low-sodium (salt reduced), "Alkaline" (low in sugar and fats), high-potassium (high in fruits and vegetables), diet with plenty of water But it is important that each individual diet plan for asthma on individual considerations. Let's start with the easiest.

asthma and related conditions on the amount of water you drink. While nutritionists usually Recommendation 8 cups (2 liters) of water a day for most conditions, for asthma 8 glasses (4 liters) of water every day is better.

Why drink water, if you have asthma? Some of the medical literature suggests that dehydrated cells in the lining of the bronchial passages are particularly susceptible to inflammation and rupture of white blood cells. Proper hydration will not prevent asthma attacks were not associated with exercise, but it can be very reduce their severity.

What is the salt restriction? There is general consensus in the medical literature that people who exercise-induced asthma benefit from sodium restriction. During heavy exercise, muscle cells burn glucose without oxygen. This means that a building of lactic acid, the "burn" from heavy exercise. Muscle cells get rid of the "burn" through the exchange of protons and sodium. If they contain excessive amounts of sodium, they may not rich of the "burn". Distressed chest muscles May trigger an asthma attack.

If you have a mild asthma and you're not a regular inhaler, you only have your consumption of salty foods, if your asthma is worst when you exercise. If your asthma attacks only seem to come and go without any particular trigger, and you do not use drugs, it is possible that the avoidance of excessive salt consumption, not only with salt to meals. This could reduce wheezing, phlegm, and shortness of breath, even if you eat the same food as the rest of your family.

On the other hand, if you take steroids, limiting your sodium consumption to no more than 2500 mg per day is to prevent side effects of your medication. Three other nutrients but are useful for everyone who has asthma.

magnesium relaxes the muscles. Intravenous magnesium sulphate is a part of the standard treatment for severe asthma in the emergency room, and often begin to alleviate the symptoms once they managed. It is better, of course, intend to take magnesium before emergencies arise.

A large British study of magnesium intake of food and asthma symptoms in 2633 people found that asthmatics, the greater intake of magnesium had a significantly greater lung capacity and significantly less airway hyperreactivity. You could breathe deeply and their airway relaxed.

It is important to remember that the magnesium only for a few weeks will not reduce your need for an inhaler because the body of magnesium pools only very slowly.


Read whether Chicken Soup Really Cures a Cold and the truth about Starve a Fever, Feed a Cold. Robert Rister is the author or co-author of nine books on natural health including the critically acclaimed Complete German Commission E Monographs and Healing without Medication.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Rister


Eat Any Chemical Isolates Today? Why All Natural Foods Are Important For a Healthy Balanced Diet  

All natural foods are considered food, minimally processed and contain no artificial ingredients or isolated vitamins, minerals and chemicals. Many vitamins and so-called "health food" products in stores are produced synthetically in a laboratory. Men from synthetic nutrients are not easily absorbed by the body because they are not as something natural to us to consume. People who are isolated vitamins every day are throwing their money down the toilet, because the body decides that most of these isolated chemicals as waste. Normally

nutritious than refined foods, all natural foods do not contain ingredients such as refined sugar, refined flour, milled grains, hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners, artificial food colors or artificial flavorings. Proponents of natural foods diet argue that refined ingredients promote obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Wikipedia claims that "In the ideal case, all-natural foods not been subjected to irradiation, contain no GMOs (genetically modified organisms), have not been sterilized, and contain no animal products, have been subjected to steroids, antibiotics or drugs. The belief that closer to nature, the more benefit the consumer obtains by eating all natural Whole Foods. "

The concept? Whole food? indicates that they are not parts of food, cotton or isolated vitamins. Examples of Whole Foods include:

* raw vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and spinach.

* raw or freeze-dried fruits such as apples, berries, pineapple, banana, peaches and lemons.

* Chinese yam, Coix fruit, sprouted soybeans.

* Nuts (raw or soaked)

* Other Legumes and most food grade herbs, grains or whole plants.

An important fact nutrition to remember is that Whole Foods are usually in their raw state. Once they were cooked, boiled, pasteurized, or heated in any form, they may lose some of their nutrients, so the change in the whole food to another form.

In today's fast paced world, not many people have time to prepare or consume enough raw fruits and vegetables, in all daily nutritional requirements of their bodies need. It is possible to obtain nutrients from the plants in their whole food form and prepare them for quick consumption slightly. But it is difficult to find producers who are willing to take the necessary steps and pay the price for food in this way. There are some excellent all natural foods, with minimal processing and at lower temperatures for the simple, convenient consumption, but you have to search the Internet to find that all natural foods that meet all the nutritional requirements. These types of prepared foods and dietary supplements and health products make it easier to be who you are taking enough nutrients every day to keep your body at the peak of health and fitness.

A diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes left in a natural state as possible has many health benefits:

* Whole Foods are rich in bioflavonoids and phytochemicals? Powerful nutrients found in plants.

* In comparison with processed foods, Whole Foods more complex carbohydrates, natural antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients.

* All Natural Whole Foods are often high fiber foods with more positive fats.

The combinations of nutrients in whole plant foods act synergistically to the human body functioning the way it was originally conceived. So, if you're shopping for healthy food that is quick and easy to create, check the label carefully to avoid a surplus of men from synthetic ingredients. Even better would be to the Internet for all natural foods that are not commercially available. Your body will appreciate it.


Cliff Smith is the owner of an online health food store and is always on the lookout for healthy all natural foods and health drink products. He is an avid mountain biker who rides 50 to 100 miles per week over rugged terrain in the southwestern United States and consumes only the highest quality nutrition for an athlete. He offers free nutrition facts, free audio about all natural foods for a healthy balanced diet and free samples at BestHealthFoodStore.net.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cliff_Smith


Preventive Health - Who Cares About You Not Getting Sick?  

What is the definition of "health" - you are healthy if you do not feel sick? It is "freedom from disease or physical pain." Consequently, "Stay" is doing everything to degenerative diseases and the pain associated with her.

So far, in any agreement, but if you ask how you can do this, you get flooded with advice is that you back in a state of total confusion - use by special interest groups. Who should you believe - your government? Well, let's first take a look at the U.S. Health and Human Services Web site - what he has to say, "Stay healthy"? Absolutely nothing! Then there's the official U.S. government Web site for people with Medicare (health insurance for U.S. residents aged 65) "Preventive Services: a healthier U.S. Starts Here", how does the government (Medicare Website) define "stay healthy "? It recommends - for example - that the following steps:

  • cardiovascular screening : High cholesterol can increase your risk for heart disease and stroke. These screening tests will say if you have a high level of cholesterol. You might be able to changes in the way of life (for example, if your diet) to lower your cholesterol and stay healthy.

  • Quit Smoking : The U.S. Surgeon General has reported that smoking leads to significant risk reduction for certain diseases and other health benefits, even in older adults who smoked for years.

    people with Medicare, the diagnosis with a smoking diseases, including heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), several types of cancer, lung disease, weak bones, blood clots, and cataracts can see the coverage of smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling. These diseases make up the bulk of Medicare spending today. People with Medicare, one of the many medications whose effectiveness is due to tobacco consumption, including - insulin and some medicines for high blood pressure, blood clots, and depression are also responsible for the advice.

  • Colon Cancer Screening : Colorectal cancer is usually at the age of 50 years or older people, and the risk of it increases with age. Medicare covers colorectal screening tests to help find pre polyps (growth in the colon) so they can be removed before they get into cancer. The treatment works best when colorectal cancer is found early.

  • diabetes screening : Diabetes is a disease where your body does not produce enough insulin or has a reduced response to insulin. Diabetes causes your blood sugar level is too high because insulin is needed to use sugar properly. A high blood sugar is not good for your health. For people with Medicare at risk for getting diabetes, Medicare covers a blood glucose screening test to check for diabetes. They are considered at risk if one of the following characteristics: high blood pressure, dyslipidemia (history of abnormal cholesterol and triglycerides), obesity, or a history of high blood sugar. Other risk factors may also qualify you for this test and based on the results you to be eligible for up to two screenings per year. Medicare also covers certain supplies and self-management training to find and treat diabetes.

All the above is really not for the chapter "Stay healthy," why? Since all these tests can only diagnose disease, which is already manifest. Although, of course, it is advisable to diagnose disease early, stay healthy must defined as the adoption of a lifestyle that prevents the body from increasingly vulnerable to contract disease in the first place.

Finally, at the lower end of Government at the Web page under publications you will find a downloadable document with the title: "Stay healthy: Medicare's Preventive Services". (www.medicare.gov). Here is the quintessence Excerpt:

What can you do to prevent illness?

You can stay healthy, live longer, and delay or prevent many diseases by:

  • exercise Do any physical activity you enjoy for 20 -- 30 minutes five or six days a week. Talk to your doctor about the right exercise program for you.

  • eating well Eating a healthy diet of various foods such as fruits, vegetables, protein (such as meat, fish or beans) and grains (like rice). They should also reduce the amount of saturated fats you eat.

  • maintain a healthy weight Watch your portions and try to maximize the number of calories you eat with the number you burn through exercise.

  • not to smoke Talk to your doctor about when you need help to stop smoking.

  • First preventive services delay or lessen the impact of diseases by using preventive services such as screening tests to find disease early, and shots to keep you from getting dangerous infections .

Is not it make you wonder why this is not at the top of the page - Does the government really do not know that this is what can the health system a huge amount of money?

Then there is another U.S. government website dedicated to " a healthier America " (www.healthierus.gov) and its opening slogan reads: " you believe that you know What will you healthier, but are you sure? HealthierUS.gov provides credible, accurate information about how to live a healthier life ".

That is exactly what we needed, credible, accurate information! But if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true, we analyze this later. Then the welcome paragraph reads as follows:

" The" HealthierUS "initiative is a national effort to improve people's lives, prevent and reduce the costs of diseases, and to promote community health and wellness. The decision to live a healthier life Simply, it is the follow-through that hard. You already have a good start HealthierUS.gov to come to the right information on how to improve your health habits. HealthierUS.gov On You will learn how to: Make physical activity a part of the day, eat more healthy foods, protect yourself and your family from illness, and avoid risks to your health and the health of your loved ones. Bad habits are not easily broken. Good are not easily won. But we can do it! "

would not that be great - you follow the government guidelines and you stay healthy for life?

analyze these statements, I found that this May do something good to someone who totally clueless about health issues and believes the sliver of tomato in a double-cheeseburger the vitamin of the day. But just about any other is likely to lead to that entity creeping disease and a short life of quality and the long duration of the long suffering.

How is this possible? The government consists of persons who are constantly lobbying for special interest groups whose interests are protected. This leads to a site that started with good intentions and is now rigged with false and misleading information and omissions - far from the promise of "credible and accurate information."

These are just too numerous to them all, but here are a few examples to show that you have to be very critical about who and what to believe:

  • malnutrition, see "Key recommendations the general population ", which recommends that you drink 3 cups of milk per day, and" health food "find" Milk Matters ", which links to the dairy lobby. The truth is that the highly processed supermarket milk is a danger to your health, as first documented by the Weston A. Price Foundation, more than seventy years. There is overwhelming evidence that today's milk is not a department of dietetic food, nor the dairy lobby and its allies - the government continues to promote.

  • "Key recommendations for the general population" does not recommend that you avoid white refined table sugar, HFCS or artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, but only says "little use", yet the literature is equipped with health hazards and "unexplained symptoms "The by artificial sweeteners. The site is also silent on the health effects of soft drinks, both charged and Sugar synthetically sweetened (diet sodas) varieties.

  • Water is the basis of all life and essential for a sustainable health. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), water is only water and the recommendation is to drink a lot. There is not even a trace of a touch on the avoidance of water or tap the traces of prescription drugs and deadly poisons found in tap water, let alone intentionally added fluoridation and chlorine. CDC seems to prefer mineral water, however, not to mention the dangers of water in bottles, such as toxins leaching from the plastic and the bacteria, nor is it worth to mention that many bottles of water are nothing more than tap water. Instead, he recommends you freezing bottles of water and drink it ice cold, not to mention that ice water sits like a stone in your stomach and used the office of energy to heat it up to body temperature, it may be but for hydrogenation.

  • The entire site with all their connections, it seems completely silent on these very basic issues such as health, such as the treatment of herbicides, fungicides and pesticides loaded produce before eating, or the dangers of (genetically modified organisms) GMOs Food. Instead she promotes processed foods with shotcrete on synthetic vitamins. If you analyze the ingredients label that companies the healthiest product, you will notice that product is loaded with chemicals and poisons, but there is nothing natural about it.

Why do you need all this information? Because it is all about your health, and I want you to realize that nobody other than yourself is responsible for your well-being. It can be a challenge to navigate through a wealth of information in an environment of corruption, special interests, deception, fraud and lobbying systems, which do not stop behind the seemingly credible institutions such as government agencies. I recommend you make your own opinion:

GMO food - you have to watch the videos: "The Future of Food", or "The World according to Monsanto." You can find these and more to the doctors 4 vitality clinics site: http://www.d4vc.com/


Heinz R Gisel is a Personal Nutritional Concepts and Medical Devices Innovator, based in San Diego and Tokyo. He is the Founder of Vitality Concepts Corporation and Doctors 4 Vitality Clinics, LLC. He developed a a clinical, non-invasive analysis system that can detect disease before any symptoms occur, without radiation. He believes that Nutrients belong into food and beverages and not capsules and pills and he has patents pending on such nutritional concepts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heinz_Gisel


How Can Candida Be Eliminated Permanently?  

If you ever wondered if Candida can be eliminated permanently, I'm here to tell you without any doubt. The secret lies in knowing what allowed Candida, the development in the first place and removing it.

Many times people will be exposed to too many anti-antibiotics or vaccinations she had as a child that contained preservatives that contained heavy metals and began to suppress their immune system from day 1st Regardless of the cause it always comes back around with a suppressed immune system and an overwhelmed and overworked liver. True liberation of Candida can be realized as soon as the body has a chance to repair. This can only occur if the following happens.

  1. Proper Diet - This includes cutting food that stress the body and the liver in particular. This applies to all processed and chemically synthetic GMO foods loaded. Full removal of sugar is needed because the sugar completely suppresses the immune system and causes other health problems that prevent your body from the ability to heal. Ideally, you should eat as much organic vegetables and lean meat as possible. Dairy is best avoided in order to stimulate growth hormones and anti-antibiotics. The water must be purified, never drink tap water is poison, not only contains chlorine, but a seemingly infinite amount of chemicals and drugs such as the pill remnants that are not filtered through the city water purification means.

  2. Proper sleep - The ideal time for your body to rest from 10 clock - 2 clock. It is during this time that your body is the amount of healing and regeneration. If you are constantly during this time your immune system is not functioning properly, and disease is easier to develop. Studies have shown that those who regularly shift in the night are much more likely to develop cancer than people who do not.

If you want to eliminate Candida good for you go to have to create the environment in both your body and around you to cultivate a high degree of healing and regeneration. Addressing the root causes of Candida are of crucial importance, but without that your body a chance to heal, you can never expect to find a whole lifetime relief.


Did you know that as much as 80% of the population suffer from Candida and Yeast Infections and as much as 90% don't even know it! Odds are you're one of them!

In less than 3 minutes you can take this FREE online test and find out if YOU have Candida? http://www.howtocurecandida.com/survey

Find out about the Secret Natural Treatment to Cure Candida and all the Root Causes that allow Candida to exist in your body for Life! at http://www.howtocurecandida.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathy_Glenfield


Frankenfoods Are Coming To Get You - Ha Ha!  

Not so

The Funny Side of food tampering

A potato is a potato is a potato? Isn? T it?

Whether you buy a potato through the five-pound bag or choose two to bake for tonight? S dinner, this: rats fed genetically modified potatoes began to show liver damage caused by immune system problems.

A GM sleep aids 37 people were killed, permanently disabling 1500.

A GM maize? StarLink? Hundreds of people sent to the emergency room with allergic reactions.

rats fed GM corn have smaller kidneys.

dairy cows a genetically modified hormone infections had increased.

animals fed GM corn developed blood problems: leukemia, hypertension, kidney and liver function, allergies to an infection, elevated blood sugar and even cancer.

at least 70% of all processed foods in the U.S. contain some genetically modified ingredients. If you can see, corn flour or meal, dextrin, starch, soy sauce and margarine on the label, which are almost certainly changed more than 80% of the soybeans and 40% of the corn in the U.S. is already a genetically modified variety. More and more cereals, edible oils, chocolate, the farm salmon, soda, baby food, grain products and frozen foods also contain one or more genetically modified ingredients.

Jekyll and Hyde?

A GMO is a genetically modified organism as a gene from a totally unrelated species to the edge or in the genetic makeup of another species.

Here are some examples of GMOs? S that have been grown in the United States:

Council and human genes in trout

spider genes in goats

Human genes in corn or rice

mouse and human genes into potatoes

Fish genes in tomatoes

Cow or human genes into salmon

human liver gene in rice

What are the gene mixtures in GMO? S in our cultures and our food is produced? These terms? Super Genes? more pesticides and have more herbicide residues in the edible parts as normal food. What does this mean? If you eat GM? S, you absorb more pesticides: as Roundup.

Who owns your diet?

All GMOs? S life forms are patentable. The company that makes them, she owns. If the pollen from these modified plants, drifts onto your cultures, the owner can inspect your property. If they GMOs in your crop, they can demand the payment of royalties.

plants, with? Terminator technology? and? Monopoly patents? is sterile seeds. Farmers are unable to make use of grain harvest for the following years crops. This will force farmers to buy seed of the patent holders each year, creating a monopoly.

Monsanto recently for the patent on? Pork?.

An American company is trying to create a patent on Indian Neem tree seeds. The patent was revoked.

Monsanto owns the patents and distribution rights to 91% of genetically modified seeds in the world.

It is not nice to fool Mother Nature!

In the manufacturers and scientists race to see what they can and patent, it has more time and energy spent in manipulating access to results. Oops! These GMOs caused allergic reactions, a disease that causes more, this affects the immune system? This one kills.

We thought that the phrase? Gone with the Wind? was the name of a historical novel. In view of the danger of untested GMOs? S dissemination of pollen, wind, birds, insects and human error that could permit for our health, the World with food - even our lives.

Already 30 other countries have banned or plan to ban genetically modified crops, many of which are genetically modified foods on all food labels. The U.S. is not required labeling of GM foods and GM continues to support development.

If you are at all concerned that your potatoes, ketchup, corn bread mix, bags of cookies, breakfast cereals, vegetable oil, soy burgers or rice, contains manipulated, designed and genetically modified organisms, you should. They do.

At the present time is your only alternative is organically grown foods and grass-fed meat: no pesticides, seeds of plants, which were created by nature rather than a company, and standards in the city for safety, not profit.

? Page Remick? All rights reserved



Page Remick is lead reviewer for Pure Zing, the Internet�s only natural and organic product review site. We tell you what's inside the jar and inside the box. http://www.purezing.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Page_Remick


A Genetically Modified Food Supply - Is That What You Want?  

There are many serious issues that plague genetically modified (GM or GM) food. The world's leading scientists have risked their livelihoods to come and warn us about the dangers of genetically modified foods and how bad they are for our health and the environment. Unfortunately, large agriculture companies, in consultation with the governments do what they can to hide and ignore the dangers so that they line their pockets with huge profits. Of course they would prefer you believe they are doing their part to save the world from starvation. But little do they know that they are leading the world food supply in a very dark and dangerous place. And when it comes to that point when they realize what they did was wrong, it will be too late for everyone to do something about it. It is irreversible!

up the dangers

In 1998, Dr. Arpad Pusztai, PhD, was commissioned a study on the potatoes, the genetically modified Lektin with a gene from a European plant called Galanthus nivalis. He placed the gene into the potatoes and fed genetically modified potatoes to lab rats. The results were of concern. What was found was that the organs of the rats had been critically damaged. In addition, their immune systems were severely weakened. Dr Pusztai, a warning to the British public by disclosure of his amazing test results and the need for further tests to confirm the dangers. Needles to say, a scandal erupted to discredit Dr Pusztai and he was immediately forced to remain silent and retire.

Further research confirmed the dangers

In 2005, Doctor of Biology Irina Ermakova published the results of a study they conducted at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This study has shown the results of what happened with rats born to mothers who consumed genetically modified soybeans. And see that the biochemical structures of rats are similar to that of humans, which makes the results more and more disturbing. Basically, 56% of rats born to mothers who ate GM soy died within three weeks. This is very worrying because the mortality rate among rats born to mothers that ate soy regularly was only 9%.

Here is another example of the dangers of GM foods. In this case, corn feed. In 1997, a farmer found evidence that genetically modified feed corn to his cattle was responsible for the systematic killing his cattle, the destruction of its production of milk and the toxic poisoning his farmland. This particular strain of maize has been developed to its own toxin, which the corn resistant to a damaging and fatal insect.

These are just two examples of the many dangerous results of GM foods have on our health and food supply. With allergies and illnesses reach levels never before seen, and aged people who are getting younger and younger, it should doubt that GM foods play a role in the destruction of our DNA? If you want to learn more about the cover ups and dangers of genetically modified foods, read a copy of "Seeds of Deception" by Jeffrey M. Smith. It documented the health risks of genetically modified foods and the political influence of industry and allow these foods in our supermarkets.

the worlds food supply is in danger

GM foods have the potential of irreversible damage to our planet the entire ecosystem and very little is being done by our Government has to stop. There are serious consequences and implications that have not yet realized. Gen-contamination can not be easy to clean, such as chemical disasters. When this gene contamination to a part of our environment, there is no possibility of removing them. They are irreversible. They are a part of the environment and ecosystems. Every living organism is exposed to these contaminants and their unknown side effects. Who knows how they genetically mutate from there. It is beyond our control!

Why is it beyond our control? Simply put, cross-pollination. Genetically modified crops fields cross-pollinate with neighboring crops, can create new and potentially harmful species. Wind, birds and insects carry seeds in fields near and afar. In the vast majority outdoors, cross-pollination can not be controlled and genetically modified plants are not immune to them. Not only that, bio-fields are in danger of contamination. Pollen from GM crops can cross-pollinate with organic crops so that all the contaminated crops.

In 1996 there were only 6500 km ² farmland in the world, was for GM crops. In just 10 short years, the number 6500 has grown exponentially to 390,000 sq. km. And that is not considering the effect of natural cross-pollination. Unbelievable! At this rate, our entire food supply is in danger exists that GM. Truly organic food is a thing of the past.

The fight against GM - Choose Organic.

It is not easy to fight against a giant like Monsanto, especially if they have the support of our government. But if we are to protect our food supply, we must fight. Organic farmers are doing their best to make a stand and violated Monsanto, where they consider it the most, their profit margins. If you opt for organic your voice and your money against genetically modified foods. If not for our organic farmers or supermarkets for organic foods, the Monsanto our universe would have us eat nothing else except for their dangerous genetically modified foods.

We have a right to know, what we eat. We also have a right to healthy and nutritious food. Tests show that the dangers of GM should be adhered to and not swept under the carpet, heavily armed, or paid off with bribes. Biotech company nor its third test without supervision and are not obliged to let the FDA know if they know of any problems. This must be stopped. The future of our food is in danger. There are organizations and campaigns that do what they can to fight GM. If you want to take action and voice your opinion against genetically modified foods, visit: organicconsumers.org. And remember, choose organic whenever possible. Your body will thank you.


About Anthony Nunes: After curing his Joint Pain and Chronic Fatigue using natural methods, Anthony Nunes decided to create a site that would help people get on the natural path to self healing. Visit http://www.anthonynunes.com and learn the dangerous truth about prescriptions drugs, improving your nutrition, the importance of physical fitness, avoiding everyday toxins, using high quality vitamins and increasing your energy level with the Acai Berry super fruit.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_Nunes


The Causes Of Global Warming - Find Out How Our Daily Habits Have Disastrous Effects For The Planet  

The two main greenhouse gases are the carbon dioxide that contribute to the greenhouse effect to a height of 60% and methane. While methane has only a weak lifetime in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide is still more than a century. Why do we concentrate mainly on reducing the emission of carbon dioxide.

If we fossil fuels, like coal, oil or gas, we burn carbon, thus adding carbon dioxide into the atmosphere: about 20 billion tons per year in the world. The oceans and forests and the plants must be away with about half the excess carbon dioxide. However, this concentration does not stop growing: from 0028% fifty years ago to 0.0365% today.

An additional greenhouse gas is methane (CH4), of which the focus has changed since the industrial revolution. The sources are the rice fields, garbage dumps, cattle farms, and the exploitation of gas and coal. The nitrous oxide (N2O) is another greenhouse gas, from certain industries such as fertilizers.

As we go about our daily lives, we rarely show how our lifestyles impact on the environment. Although we believe May for a few moments that we must be more environmentally conscious, there are only very few of us who really take the time, which is due. The Environmental Science has dramatic breakthrough in determining the causes of global warming. The comprehensive information on global warming requires our vigilance, because many of the causes of global warming are upon us, and that the Global Environmental Outlook will always be worse.

How is that conceivable? The answers are all stare us in the face if we accept to consider.

The first place to find some of the causes of global warming is in our dietary habits . Livestock contributes more to global warming than all other factors. Although it takes on average 24 of gallons of water to a pound of vegetables, 5200 liters of water needed to cover a pound of beef, the tribes of the extreme water resources, as we hear more and more in the news. Like, it takes two calories of fuel to produce a calorie content of soybeans, 54 calories of fuel are needed to create a calorie from beef. Deforestation is another BIGGIE, the animals growth has seven times more than the deforestation caused by all other human activities. Water pollution, heath issues, lost biodiversity, the release of toxins, antibiotics, GMOs, pesticides, sewage, air pollution ... are other factors, livestock, so to the detriment of the environment. The researchers assessed that 2 /5 hectares of land, the food requirement of twenty-two vegetarians, but only two people meet to eat, chicken, eggs or dairy products. Marc Reisner author of Cadillac Desert, sums it up in these words: "The west side of the water crisis and many other environmental problems as well can be explained by one word: Cattle."

Another area to consider in our cities . Every time you drive your car is emitting carbon monoxide. Multiply that pollution with the hundreds of millions of other vehicles and you can clearly see that driving a motor vehicle fuel not add to global warming.

Another way that we contribute to the causes of global warming is by deforestation . The trees in the forests, jungles and rain forests are the lungs of the world. By cutting down a large quantity of trees, the reorganization of these areas will be reduced.

trees need carbon dioxide to live. If large parts of trees are cut, in a place where the balance is gone astray. The remaining trees can not in all of the carbon in the atmosphere. Given this reality, the carbon rises in large quantities in the atmosphere. This is also why deforestation may be one of the main causes of global warming.

Apart from these factors, chemicals such as methane and nitrous oxide are also causes of global warming. These chemicals, while in small quantities are not sufficient to lead to a deterioration of the atmosphere and environment. You may as causes of global warming, if they are used for a range of activities of human needs. These activities include the raising of domestic animals like cows. Other chemical contribution to global warming are artificial fertilizers.

If all these events are taken, you can think independently, they can not cause global warming. However, there are many scientific substantiation, which supports this case. In order to impede the terrible consequences of global warming, you should look at the various causes of global warming and see what steps you can take to circumvent.

The more we appreciate these facts, the sooner we can stop the escalation of global warming. We should not be too long as nature will not wait for us to get our act straight. The effects of global warming are warnings to us, to our way of life.



An unbiased platform about global warming and the environment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christophe_Catesson


Natural Ways to Relieve Migraines � Fast and Easy  

Natural ways to relieve migraines that really work are important.

About twenty-five million Americans, mostly women, suffer from migraines. But there are natural ways to relieve migraines that can both immediate and long lasting relief.

What are your other choices? Besides puking, after taking the controversial painkiller, you can use the blinds, turn off the light and crawl into bed. And that? S about it.

Anyone who suffers from migraine, what I know? M talking about.

Anyone who deals with migraines on a regular basis has to develop their own coping mechanisms. But for those who want more natural ways to relieve migraines, then here are a few simple suggestions for quick, simple relief.

Although nobody knows sure most migraines seem to be caused by hormones imbalances, stress or tension, various foods such as chocolate, alcohol and caffeine, food coloring and additives like MSG and various drugs such as birth control pills.

separating and removing the trigger from your life go a long way to avoid future migraines.

The next thing you can do for themselves to prevent migraines, improving your diet. I know that sounds like a broken record? I say it all the time? But nothing, and I mean nothing, can replace good, natural whole food diet.

I'm talking about the food we would eat when modern food production and processing hadn? T nose things.

A whole diet contains whole wheat, brown rice, soybeans and natural. Don? T be fooled by white rice, wheat, enriched, and GMO soybeans. They offer no nutrition and do more harm than good.

Colorful fruit and vegetables - Eating optimally 5 to 13 servings a day - are also part of an overall healthy diet food.

This doesn? T includes things like fruit juice or fruit roll-ups, all sugar, or iceberg lettuce, potatoes, bananas or apples. Although they? Well again for other things, they contain little to no beneficial phytonutrients such as carotenoids, flavonoids and cruciferous compounds.

rounding a good whole food diet contains little fat dairy products, eggs and lean meat, preferably chicken and fish, but especially fish.

Oily cold water fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and anchovies are rich in omega-3-fatty acids, which have been proven to reduce the pain and the frequency of migraine headaches, whatever the cause.

And finally, a high-quality, pure fish oil supplement to the diet always makes a huge difference with each of the migraine problem.

Studies show that omega-3 fish oil has been astounding natural anti-inflammatory properties. And the fish oil supplements on a regular basis works wonders for the reduction and elimination of headache.

Some have even found with multiple capsules in the first indication of a migraine actually minimizes or prevents it from happening.

The above proposals are the best quick and easy natural ways to relieve migraines. Give them a try and you will soon find you enjoy life more and more every day. Dignity? T, that it beautiful?


Michael Byrd has over 18 years of education and experience in the fields of physical therapy, health, fitness and nutrition. His pursuit of wellness has led him to the many health benefits of fish oil and other natural whole foods that will help you to look younger, feel better and stay healthy. Michael will even send you a Free CD when you visit his site at http://www.omega-3.us.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Byrd