
A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are generally known as recombinant DNA technology. With recombinant DNA technology, DNA molecules from different sources are combined in vitro into one molecule to create a new gene. This DNA is then transferred into an organism and causes the expression of modified or novel traits.

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods produced from GMO that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. The most common modified foods are derived from plants: soybean, corn, canola cotton seed oil and wheat.


Preventive Health - Who Cares About You Not Getting Sick?  

What is the definition of "health" - you are healthy if you do not feel sick? It is "freedom from disease or physical pain." Consequently, "Stay" is doing everything to degenerative diseases and the pain associated with her.

So far, in any agreement, but if you ask how you can do this, you get flooded with advice is that you back in a state of total confusion - use by special interest groups. Who should you believe - your government? Well, let's first take a look at the U.S. Health and Human Services Web site - what he has to say, "Stay healthy"? Absolutely nothing! Then there's the official U.S. government Web site for people with Medicare (health insurance for U.S. residents aged 65) "Preventive Services: a healthier U.S. Starts Here", how does the government (Medicare Website) define "stay healthy "? It recommends - for example - that the following steps:

  • cardiovascular screening : High cholesterol can increase your risk for heart disease and stroke. These screening tests will say if you have a high level of cholesterol. You might be able to changes in the way of life (for example, if your diet) to lower your cholesterol and stay healthy.

  • Quit Smoking : The U.S. Surgeon General has reported that smoking leads to significant risk reduction for certain diseases and other health benefits, even in older adults who smoked for years.

    people with Medicare, the diagnosis with a smoking diseases, including heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), several types of cancer, lung disease, weak bones, blood clots, and cataracts can see the coverage of smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling. These diseases make up the bulk of Medicare spending today. People with Medicare, one of the many medications whose effectiveness is due to tobacco consumption, including - insulin and some medicines for high blood pressure, blood clots, and depression are also responsible for the advice.

  • Colon Cancer Screening : Colorectal cancer is usually at the age of 50 years or older people, and the risk of it increases with age. Medicare covers colorectal screening tests to help find pre polyps (growth in the colon) so they can be removed before they get into cancer. The treatment works best when colorectal cancer is found early.

  • diabetes screening : Diabetes is a disease where your body does not produce enough insulin or has a reduced response to insulin. Diabetes causes your blood sugar level is too high because insulin is needed to use sugar properly. A high blood sugar is not good for your health. For people with Medicare at risk for getting diabetes, Medicare covers a blood glucose screening test to check for diabetes. They are considered at risk if one of the following characteristics: high blood pressure, dyslipidemia (history of abnormal cholesterol and triglycerides), obesity, or a history of high blood sugar. Other risk factors may also qualify you for this test and based on the results you to be eligible for up to two screenings per year. Medicare also covers certain supplies and self-management training to find and treat diabetes.

All the above is really not for the chapter "Stay healthy," why? Since all these tests can only diagnose disease, which is already manifest. Although, of course, it is advisable to diagnose disease early, stay healthy must defined as the adoption of a lifestyle that prevents the body from increasingly vulnerable to contract disease in the first place.

Finally, at the lower end of Government at the Web page under publications you will find a downloadable document with the title: "Stay healthy: Medicare's Preventive Services". (www.medicare.gov). Here is the quintessence Excerpt:

What can you do to prevent illness?

You can stay healthy, live longer, and delay or prevent many diseases by:

  • exercise Do any physical activity you enjoy for 20 -- 30 minutes five or six days a week. Talk to your doctor about the right exercise program for you.

  • eating well Eating a healthy diet of various foods such as fruits, vegetables, protein (such as meat, fish or beans) and grains (like rice). They should also reduce the amount of saturated fats you eat.

  • maintain a healthy weight Watch your portions and try to maximize the number of calories you eat with the number you burn through exercise.

  • not to smoke Talk to your doctor about when you need help to stop smoking.

  • First preventive services delay or lessen the impact of diseases by using preventive services such as screening tests to find disease early, and shots to keep you from getting dangerous infections .

Is not it make you wonder why this is not at the top of the page - Does the government really do not know that this is what can the health system a huge amount of money?

Then there is another U.S. government website dedicated to " a healthier America " (www.healthierus.gov) and its opening slogan reads: " you believe that you know What will you healthier, but are you sure? HealthierUS.gov provides credible, accurate information about how to live a healthier life ".

That is exactly what we needed, credible, accurate information! But if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true, we analyze this later. Then the welcome paragraph reads as follows:

" The" HealthierUS "initiative is a national effort to improve people's lives, prevent and reduce the costs of diseases, and to promote community health and wellness. The decision to live a healthier life Simply, it is the follow-through that hard. You already have a good start HealthierUS.gov to come to the right information on how to improve your health habits. HealthierUS.gov On You will learn how to: Make physical activity a part of the day, eat more healthy foods, protect yourself and your family from illness, and avoid risks to your health and the health of your loved ones. Bad habits are not easily broken. Good are not easily won. But we can do it! "

would not that be great - you follow the government guidelines and you stay healthy for life?

analyze these statements, I found that this May do something good to someone who totally clueless about health issues and believes the sliver of tomato in a double-cheeseburger the vitamin of the day. But just about any other is likely to lead to that entity creeping disease and a short life of quality and the long duration of the long suffering.

How is this possible? The government consists of persons who are constantly lobbying for special interest groups whose interests are protected. This leads to a site that started with good intentions and is now rigged with false and misleading information and omissions - far from the promise of "credible and accurate information."

These are just too numerous to them all, but here are a few examples to show that you have to be very critical about who and what to believe:

  • malnutrition, see "Key recommendations the general population ", which recommends that you drink 3 cups of milk per day, and" health food "find" Milk Matters ", which links to the dairy lobby. The truth is that the highly processed supermarket milk is a danger to your health, as first documented by the Weston A. Price Foundation, more than seventy years. There is overwhelming evidence that today's milk is not a department of dietetic food, nor the dairy lobby and its allies - the government continues to promote.

  • "Key recommendations for the general population" does not recommend that you avoid white refined table sugar, HFCS or artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, but only says "little use", yet the literature is equipped with health hazards and "unexplained symptoms "The by artificial sweeteners. The site is also silent on the health effects of soft drinks, both charged and Sugar synthetically sweetened (diet sodas) varieties.

  • Water is the basis of all life and essential for a sustainable health. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), water is only water and the recommendation is to drink a lot. There is not even a trace of a touch on the avoidance of water or tap the traces of prescription drugs and deadly poisons found in tap water, let alone intentionally added fluoridation and chlorine. CDC seems to prefer mineral water, however, not to mention the dangers of water in bottles, such as toxins leaching from the plastic and the bacteria, nor is it worth to mention that many bottles of water are nothing more than tap water. Instead, he recommends you freezing bottles of water and drink it ice cold, not to mention that ice water sits like a stone in your stomach and used the office of energy to heat it up to body temperature, it may be but for hydrogenation.

  • The entire site with all their connections, it seems completely silent on these very basic issues such as health, such as the treatment of herbicides, fungicides and pesticides loaded produce before eating, or the dangers of (genetically modified organisms) GMOs Food. Instead she promotes processed foods with shotcrete on synthetic vitamins. If you analyze the ingredients label that companies the healthiest product, you will notice that product is loaded with chemicals and poisons, but there is nothing natural about it.

Why do you need all this information? Because it is all about your health, and I want you to realize that nobody other than yourself is responsible for your well-being. It can be a challenge to navigate through a wealth of information in an environment of corruption, special interests, deception, fraud and lobbying systems, which do not stop behind the seemingly credible institutions such as government agencies. I recommend you make your own opinion:

GMO food - you have to watch the videos: "The Future of Food", or "The World according to Monsanto." You can find these and more to the doctors 4 vitality clinics site: http://www.d4vc.com/


Heinz R Gisel is a Personal Nutritional Concepts and Medical Devices Innovator, based in San Diego and Tokyo. He is the Founder of Vitality Concepts Corporation and Doctors 4 Vitality Clinics, LLC. He developed a a clinical, non-invasive analysis system that can detect disease before any symptoms occur, without radiation. He believes that Nutrients belong into food and beverages and not capsules and pills and he has patents pending on such nutritional concepts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heinz_Gisel

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