
A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are generally known as recombinant DNA technology. With recombinant DNA technology, DNA molecules from different sources are combined in vitro into one molecule to create a new gene. This DNA is then transferred into an organism and causes the expression of modified or novel traits.

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods produced from GMO that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. The most common modified foods are derived from plants: soybean, corn, canola cotton seed oil and wheat.


A Genetically Modified Food Supply - Is That What You Want?  

There are many serious issues that plague genetically modified (GM or GM) food. The world's leading scientists have risked their livelihoods to come and warn us about the dangers of genetically modified foods and how bad they are for our health and the environment. Unfortunately, large agriculture companies, in consultation with the governments do what they can to hide and ignore the dangers so that they line their pockets with huge profits. Of course they would prefer you believe they are doing their part to save the world from starvation. But little do they know that they are leading the world food supply in a very dark and dangerous place. And when it comes to that point when they realize what they did was wrong, it will be too late for everyone to do something about it. It is irreversible!

up the dangers

In 1998, Dr. Arpad Pusztai, PhD, was commissioned a study on the potatoes, the genetically modified Lektin with a gene from a European plant called Galanthus nivalis. He placed the gene into the potatoes and fed genetically modified potatoes to lab rats. The results were of concern. What was found was that the organs of the rats had been critically damaged. In addition, their immune systems were severely weakened. Dr Pusztai, a warning to the British public by disclosure of his amazing test results and the need for further tests to confirm the dangers. Needles to say, a scandal erupted to discredit Dr Pusztai and he was immediately forced to remain silent and retire.

Further research confirmed the dangers

In 2005, Doctor of Biology Irina Ermakova published the results of a study they conducted at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This study has shown the results of what happened with rats born to mothers who consumed genetically modified soybeans. And see that the biochemical structures of rats are similar to that of humans, which makes the results more and more disturbing. Basically, 56% of rats born to mothers who ate GM soy died within three weeks. This is very worrying because the mortality rate among rats born to mothers that ate soy regularly was only 9%.

Here is another example of the dangers of GM foods. In this case, corn feed. In 1997, a farmer found evidence that genetically modified feed corn to his cattle was responsible for the systematic killing his cattle, the destruction of its production of milk and the toxic poisoning his farmland. This particular strain of maize has been developed to its own toxin, which the corn resistant to a damaging and fatal insect.

These are just two examples of the many dangerous results of GM foods have on our health and food supply. With allergies and illnesses reach levels never before seen, and aged people who are getting younger and younger, it should doubt that GM foods play a role in the destruction of our DNA? If you want to learn more about the cover ups and dangers of genetically modified foods, read a copy of "Seeds of Deception" by Jeffrey M. Smith. It documented the health risks of genetically modified foods and the political influence of industry and allow these foods in our supermarkets.

the worlds food supply is in danger

GM foods have the potential of irreversible damage to our planet the entire ecosystem and very little is being done by our Government has to stop. There are serious consequences and implications that have not yet realized. Gen-contamination can not be easy to clean, such as chemical disasters. When this gene contamination to a part of our environment, there is no possibility of removing them. They are irreversible. They are a part of the environment and ecosystems. Every living organism is exposed to these contaminants and their unknown side effects. Who knows how they genetically mutate from there. It is beyond our control!

Why is it beyond our control? Simply put, cross-pollination. Genetically modified crops fields cross-pollinate with neighboring crops, can create new and potentially harmful species. Wind, birds and insects carry seeds in fields near and afar. In the vast majority outdoors, cross-pollination can not be controlled and genetically modified plants are not immune to them. Not only that, bio-fields are in danger of contamination. Pollen from GM crops can cross-pollinate with organic crops so that all the contaminated crops.

In 1996 there were only 6500 km ² farmland in the world, was for GM crops. In just 10 short years, the number 6500 has grown exponentially to 390,000 sq. km. And that is not considering the effect of natural cross-pollination. Unbelievable! At this rate, our entire food supply is in danger exists that GM. Truly organic food is a thing of the past.

The fight against GM - Choose Organic.

It is not easy to fight against a giant like Monsanto, especially if they have the support of our government. But if we are to protect our food supply, we must fight. Organic farmers are doing their best to make a stand and violated Monsanto, where they consider it the most, their profit margins. If you opt for organic your voice and your money against genetically modified foods. If not for our organic farmers or supermarkets for organic foods, the Monsanto our universe would have us eat nothing else except for their dangerous genetically modified foods.

We have a right to know, what we eat. We also have a right to healthy and nutritious food. Tests show that the dangers of GM should be adhered to and not swept under the carpet, heavily armed, or paid off with bribes. Biotech company nor its third test without supervision and are not obliged to let the FDA know if they know of any problems. This must be stopped. The future of our food is in danger. There are organizations and campaigns that do what they can to fight GM. If you want to take action and voice your opinion against genetically modified foods, visit: organicconsumers.org. And remember, choose organic whenever possible. Your body will thank you.


About Anthony Nunes: After curing his Joint Pain and Chronic Fatigue using natural methods, Anthony Nunes decided to create a site that would help people get on the natural path to self healing. Visit http://www.anthonynunes.com and learn the dangerous truth about prescriptions drugs, improving your nutrition, the importance of physical fitness, avoiding everyday toxins, using high quality vitamins and increasing your energy level with the Acai Berry super fruit.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_Nunes

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