
A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are generally known as recombinant DNA technology. With recombinant DNA technology, DNA molecules from different sources are combined in vitro into one molecule to create a new gene. This DNA is then transferred into an organism and causes the expression of modified or novel traits.

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods produced from GMO that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. The most common modified foods are derived from plants: soybean, corn, canola cotton seed oil and wheat.


No More Teary Onion, Thanks to Genetic Engineering  

The blog, Rael the Prophe t, reports about an article in the British Telegraph on a research on a genetically modified Tear-free onion is jointly under the leadership of researchers from Japan and the New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research. We all know how teary an onion can be mishandled in the hacking. For men and women who spend considerable time cooking, this is definitely worth News celebrating.

In addition to free onion of the gene that causes an impact on our teary eyes, these researchers promise that this new variety is saer and healthier.

What an exciting research? In fact, it has a buzz. The magazine onion World , in its edition in December, this work has featured, is piloted by Dr. Colin Eady. The popular environmental blog Environmental Grafita gleefully proclaimed, GM onions means no more tears, with sarcasm:

anti-GM activists may soon be tearing up after a New Zealand company announced the development of a genetically modified tear free onion.

I can not wait to see their [anti-biotech activists] reactions. Instead of inserting a foreign gene into the onion, that was the practice in crop genetic engineering, researchers in this project, with the gene that makes onions teary.

The key is not to introduce a foreign gene to silence, but with a phenomenon called RNA interference. By stopping sulphur compounds not convert the tearing agent and refocus them in compounds, responsible for taste and health, the process could even improve the onion.

so, what direction, the debate over the safety of this new onion variety? We have always said there is no guarantee for the safety of the inserted genes into crops such as corn, cotton and soya. If the anti-biotech groups now say that removing a gene from a single harvest, onion and onion for this matter, compromise human health and the environment? Let us wait for the debate on start.

James Wachai specializes in agricultural biotechnology communication.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Wachai

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