Banana Shortage in India Blamed on GM Crops
Many people like bananas, and it is a popular fruit upright walking all primates, including humans. But some complain that genetically modified bananas in India have completely on the natural development of the plant, and many fear that without bananas in their diet, which naturally that the person is more susceptible to certain diseases. The fact that these diseases have already been mentioned, and many are worried that the natural components of the natural bananas can not simply be replaced, and that means more potential deaths in many parts of the world, such as India. But how could this happen?
Well You see how the people who buy fruits, graer, better, more beautiful and tasty, they were so happy to buy, the more perfect looking bananas, which were full, ripe looking for a pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately in the purchase of these genetically modified banana caused more farmers to plant and thus eventually the seeds eventually take over the native plants Banana. Fortunately, it is not a bad thing nor completely than the disease, that the banana, the native support for the fight is not so often, and it must be other plants, herbs and medicines, which also prevented. One thing, but this show is that we have to be smart to play around with if genetically modified crops, and be careful in our quest for the world feed of the potential site, which occasionally occur. So this case study in 2006.
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