What Makes Us Happy and Why?
What Makes Us Happy and Why?
Happiness has always been considered too vague, as a concept. In the past 10 -15 years, researchers have tried to identify the factors needed to joy. I wrote this article on the luck for these reasons: 1
. To learn more, what is happiness?
2 In order to better understand what the causes of happiness?
3 To make a contribution to explore what happiness and a fulfilling life?
4 Explain what is the purpose of happiness?
I will be very happy if I can answer all these questions!
Actually, this article on positive psychology, a new scientific approach to happiness with many new answers. Positive psychology is a relatively new concept in psychology. If you believe that scientists can tell us what happiness is about, you have to read this text. Dr. Martin Seligman is the positive psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, believes it is possible to lift our biological set range of happiness, at least to some extent, when we work. His efforts and the efforts of his colleagues to create a science for better luck, and a program to help people achieve it.
What is happiness to you?
Do you think that the only form of happiness is happiness? If you do, you are generally a media creation of happiness. You are watching too many Hollywood movies! I know that you feel good to be only temporary. On the road, only from what you have done to earn it. Please read what Nietzsche had to say:
I asleep, and I dreamed that life pleasure
I woke up and I saw that it duty
I worked, and I realized that pleasure
To obligation is really happy, we must have a goal , a point of destination, we worthy of our efforts, we will satisfy first, and make our lives worthwhile. We have our own idea of critical thinking, love, kindness and attentiveness. We must live our lives with enthusiasm, optimism and morality. Only after reaching all these premises we will be in a happy person. To achieve the higher forms of happiness - achieving satisfaction and satisfaction - we need the ground in a meaningful life - a life where objectives, we will find fulfillment.
The question is: What makes us happy?
Make your own list of what makes you happy, and then compare it with the list of scientists. Happiness researchers have been monitoring the human life for the satisfaction of decades.
Most experts agree with the following conclusions:
1. Wealth and fortune not to be pleased. There is a lot of evidence that the richer we are not happy, which is fair! The research results suggest that when one homeless or modest home, basic food and clothing, then extra money does not seem to be much happier. Now, we have clearly demonstrated that we can be happy without rich, so no more excuses than unfortunate, because you do not have much money. After many statistics, the standard of living in many countries has increased dramatically! I am not sure this is true for everyone, but we accept it as a scientific fact!
If to ask you, Professor Daniel Kahneman of Princeton University, his reply is: 'standard of living has increased dramatically and happiness has not, and in some cases has slightly decreased. "Despite all the massive increase in wealth, our levels of happiness have not increased. We know the reason: it is our intention to pleasure. For example, buy a new car or buy a new home, you can give us a brief sense of joy and wear out quickly. This kind of pleasure have borders, and they gradually lose their power. Pretty dark statement from the scientific point of view, is it not?
2. Health, family and friends are the most important factors for our happiness. If you are in a relatively healthy person is a good shape, with the family and good personal relations, himself a happy and a happy man. Keep your marriage or relationship in a good condition; marriage adds an average of seven years to the lives of a man and four for something like a woman. Happy people have a lot of friends, and they make very close friendships, as a reminder too.
Just: Stress can trigger illness, friendship and happiness can have a protective effect. Now, we know that our brains control many of the mechanisms in our bodies responsible for the disease are responsible. What do we learn from the positive psychology is: friendship has a lot graeren influence on satisfaction as a typical person, the income. This is one more reason to believe that we can be happy, although they faced with a difficult financial situation. In this moment, scientists can not prove causality, whether, for example, people are healthy because they are happy, or whether people are happy because they healthy.
3. Once objectives and a sense of life, the belief in something graer than us - from religion, spirituality or a philosophy of life is of crucial importance to our happiness. Meaning in life, is like finding gold mine. Dig, and find your goals and your lost happiness lost. With spirit and goals in your life, you are always on the track.
The theory sounds good, but what is the reality? The question is whether we actually use our knowledge of what makes us happy to raise our levels of happiness permanently? It is a very hot issue for the psychologists!
We have to accept the reality that life is not always all about the luck. Misfortune is part of life, too. Life is unpredictable, with no guarantee of happiness. The spirit rises and falls and illness can shift luck in mourning. If you expect all glad the time you make an unrealistic goal. The best you can do is to try and learn what makes you a happy person. Also, not everything is in our hands. Science also come to the conclusion that happiness is genetically determined and depends on the circumstances of life and personality. They must not genetically predisposed to happiness, to be successful, but you have to understand and practise your thoughts to relocate to feelings of sadness, joy, and how to observe upsetting emotions.
Is is room for criticism of the movement? Yes, many psychologists are crucial! But what is your conclusion about the "power of happiness", do not forget this one thing: Each day has a blue negative impact on the health and life satisfaction in all of us. Cheerfulness is scientifically proven, positive effects. We have the capacity to increase our well-being, they do things that make our lives more satisfying. It is our obligation to apply ", the duty is joy." Happiness seems to have almost magical properties which are not easy to prove. But science says, it leads to long life, health, resilience and good performance.
Did I answer all your questions about happiness? Maybe not, but what I wanted to say is to explain some very basic knowledge about positive psychology. If you are still concerned about the luck, I know you live in a satisfactory environment! Do you know why? The researchers know and agree: poor people or companies have no time to think about happiness. You need to meet their basic needs for food and shelter and so there is no time for thinking about happiness. During the disastrous times, people do not talk about happiness, they talk about survival. If individuals or companies do not have to worry about poverty or tragedy - they take care happiness.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jahiel_Kamhi
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