
A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are generally known as recombinant DNA technology. With recombinant DNA technology, DNA molecules from different sources are combined in vitro into one molecule to create a new gene. This DNA is then transferred into an organism and causes the expression of modified or novel traits.

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods produced from GMO that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. The most common modified foods are derived from plants: soybean, corn, canola cotton seed oil and wheat.


Exercise Your Mind  

The more work your brain, the more likely you will stave church from the Alzheimer's disease

Just a modest amount of mental stimulation can we are on the way to ward off Alzheimer's disease. This is the opinion of researchers created genetically modified mice to a state similar it.

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine studied hundreds of mice modified to develop abnormalities known as plaques and tangles in brain tissue, as the hallmark of Alzheimer's Disease in humans. Written on Tuesday in the Journal of Neuroscience, they said regelmaige meetings learning swimming in a bathtub with water until the search for a sunken platform to stand on-slowed the development of these two anomalies in mice.

"The remarkable thing was, that only by learning infrequently, they had a very dramatic effect on Alzheimer's disease pathology, "said Kim Green, one of the researchers.

" It suggests that in humans, if you learn more and more and more, is a huge, positive impact, "Green added.

The show that an idea has also in other research that the perception of one's own mind is important to staving off Alzheimer's disease, the degenerative disease of the brain is that the most common form of dementia in the elderly.

Smart link Green noted that other studies have found that very well-educated people are less likely to develop Alzheimer's than people with less education.

There is no known cure for Alzheimer's disease, which gradually destroys a Person's memory and ability to learn, reason, judgments, communicate and the daily activities.

"What we have shown that learning through the promotion of your mind, you can protect against the development of the pathologies associated with the disease," Green said.

"crossword puzzles, reading books, learning a new language-everything you can do to stimulate the brain is an advantage, we think."

The mice were given "a very mild learning experience"-essentially out , A maze, but in the water for a week at a time every three months. The sessions were four times daily for one week to two, six, nine, 12, 15 and 18 months age.

The mice that the task experienced slower development of the protein beta-amyloid clumping in the brain and form plaques, gooey build -- to accumulate outside nerve cells, the study found.

These mice also a slow building of another protein in the brain. Hyperphosphorylated-Tau, which can lead to the formation of neurofibrillary tangles-twisted fibers in the brain cells.

Green said the researchers are whether more frequent and intensive learning sessions could graer and longer-lasting benefits.

Alzheimer ' disease first relates to parts of the brain controlling memory and thinking. As it advances, it kills cells elsewhere in the brain. Eventually, if the patient has no other serious illness, the loss of brain function will prove fatal.

There other spirit or learning tools which can help the brain that synergise both halves., The left and right hemispheres. It has long been known in the scientific world that the left hemisphere is responsible for logic functions like these functions at the reasoning and mathematics whereas the right hemisphere is responsible for the creative, imaginative and artistic functions of a individual.

Einstein is the most prominent person to have used the left-right synergy technology in the formulation of his famous equation of light and matter, E = mc2. Using special tools of the mind or mental training techniques developed in the last century and especially the last 50 years, people were known to have developed phenomenal feats of memory as the participation of hundreds of names and faces, long arithmetic formulas and long strings of numbers all in the Matter of minutes or seconds.

Whether memorizing long strings of numbers (more than 10 digits) all have practical applications is open to debate. But there is the spirit of the workout it needs to stave church (not cure) Alzheimer's disease. Such techniques are very easy to learn once again learned, and often enough, is still with the user all his life and enables the brain to store large amount of information available in school, work or ordinary life. Most people go about their daily lives without knowing how wonderful techniques are available.


For more information on how you can utilise the full potential of your mind and enhance your life, you can visit the following website http://www.MightyMemory.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martin_Mak

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