
A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are generally known as recombinant DNA technology. With recombinant DNA technology, DNA molecules from different sources are combined in vitro into one molecule to create a new gene. This DNA is then transferred into an organism and causes the expression of modified or novel traits.

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods produced from GMO that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. The most common modified foods are derived from plants: soybean, corn, canola cotton seed oil and wheat.


How Video Games Affect Health  

Concerned on the impact of video games on your children's health? Or perhaps you are simply curious about this stuff or need for research, a paper. Below is the information you need on this subject with links at the bottom for further reading.

This whole article is about how video games affect the health of people in general. The general positive and negative effects on health are the main theme of discussion.

Positives of video games impact on Health

Let begin, as with video games have a positive impact on your strangest health.

The the positive effects of video games can be found in the health sector. People (especially young people) are in the treatment of painful suffering cancer can expect video games to distract themselves from the pain to extend periods.

Video games have positive psychological effects as well. Certain games, as part of a comprehensive programme can further help autistic children and other children with developmental disorders disorders.

Studies have also shown that playing video games can improve mental skills, such as hand-eye coordination. More intelligent games such as strategy and puzzles can also use the problem-solving, and mental stimulation as well.

Negatives of video games Health

There impact on a variety of reported adverse effects of video games on health, but the concrete evidence of games directly cause certain very negative effects weak. Other negative effects are usually due to prolonged ebermaigen play video games. Parents, with the amount of time children spend in video games should to compensate for the time with other activities. Extremely adverse effects such as hallucinations are extremely rare and could be done by other unknown factors.

People are prone to epileptic seizures and sensitized individuals may experience seizures when they see rapid flickering screen or rapid changes in the game. The level of play does not matter much as people who are vulnerable to attacks might experience, even after a few minutes play.

People live a sedentary lifestyle (bad practice, rather inactive) and can usually sit activities such as playing video games usually suffer from some form of the disease later in life, such as heart and muscle problems and obesity. This is usually in combination with a poor diet, such as genetically modified food and fast food.
It is also that the research suggests that there is a connection between violent games and increased aggression, but research is quite limited and in general not to take into account other variables, such as education and the environment, both games conditions.


Video positive and negative effects on health. The effects vary enormously depending on the type of games and the frequency of the game. Certain adverse effects may be due to other factors, in conjunction with ebermaigem game of the games, but can usually be resolved by live in a healthier way of life. The positive impact of video games on health also vary depending on the type of game played and his frequency.


Want to know more? Written By Damien D

Learn about the effects of video games on the circulatory system

Learn about the effects of video games on the heart rate

Want to make your own games quickly and easily?

Find out which game creation tool is best for you to make your own games: Top Game Creation Tools

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Damien_D

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